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Warning plates


Warning plates are affixed on equipment to warn and to inform the user.

These warning plates must be easy to read and to understand for everybody.

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Design of safety plates

This type of message generally uses pictograms and colour codes in line with French and European standards.

Our experienced design team will use their industry expertise to create a warning plate that is beyond reproach. We also produce hazard platesprohibition plates and instructional plates.


According to the specific conditions in which each pictogram or warning plate is used (indoors, outdoors, risk of impact or chemical spillage, etc.), the design team at Martin Technologies selects the most appropriate material (metal plate, plastic plate or label) and industrial marking process: screenprinting, chemical etching, metal engraving, laser scribing or marking, or anodising.

Undeniable assets

A wide choice of signs: safety signs, hazard signs, prohibition signs and instruction signs.

Definition of the most suitable material and process depending on the use and environment of the sheets (indoors, outdoors, risk of impact, chemical splashes, etc.).

Safety pictogram

The NF X 08-003-1 and NF X 08-003-3 standards lay out the different types of pictograms used for health and safety signs in the workplace: evacuation, fire control, hazard signs, prohibitions and obligations.


In addition to pictograms found in the workplace, warning plates are affixed to equipment to inform users of their specific risks. To ensure that all users can fully read and understand them, Labour Code stipulates that pictograms and warning plates comply rigorously with standards.



Meanings according to shape and colour

The meaning of each warning plate depends on the shape, colour and pictogram used:

  • a red circle with a line through it with a black pictogram indicates a prohibition sign,
  • a solid blue circle with a white pictogram indicates an obligation sign,
  • a solid yellow triangle with a pictogram with black borders indicates a hazard sign,
  • a green square or rectangle with a white pictogram indicates evacuation and rescue signs,
    a solid red square with a white pictogram indicates fire control materials or equipment.

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